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Claudia Noffke

Claudia grew up and matriculated in Germany.  She obtained her dental degree at the University of Pretoria and managed a private practice for several years. She completed her postgraduate training in 1992 and was appointed as the Head of an OMR Unit at a South African University in 2001, a position from which she retired in 2016. Claudia participated actively in 47 international congresses and refresher courses and authored or co-authored an equal number of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. Claudia is on the Editorial Boards of several distinguished journals including the Radiology Section of the Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, for which she has done 98 scientific reviews. Claudia supervised- and served as external examiner for several Master’s and PhD degrees. She was appointed in May 2018 as Guest Professor in the Department of Imaging & Pathology at the KU of Leuven and is a member of the Education Track Committee of the IADMFR. She currently also serves as a private consultant in OMR.  Her field of expertise includes ethics and legislation pertaining to radiation protection, fibro-osseous disease and the radiological interpretation of gnathial tumours and cysts.

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Claudia Noffke

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